Modest Eve Sewing Studio

5 step pillow cover

I made a few decorative pillow covers with the extra fabric from an ottoman recover job for a client. Here is the easiest decorative pillow you will ever sew.

No zipper, no lining. Take an existing decorative pillow and make a cover for it lickity split!

For a 16 inch Decorative pillow:

1 – Cut Fabric.

One piece 17 inches x 17 inches

Two pieces 17 inches x 11 inches

2 – Sew Hem on one long side of each of the 17 inch x 11 inch pieces.

I serged the edge and then folded the 1/2 seam allowance under and stitched it. (you can zig-zag if you don’t have a serger.)

3- Lay your pieces together.

Right Sides together align the raw edges to the edge and the hemmed edges to the center, they will overlap.

4 – Sew the entire perimeter of the pillow case, 1/2 seam allowance.

I sewed my seam first and then serged all the way around. (you can zig-zag if you don’t have a serger.)

5 – Turn it right side out and stuff a 16 inch square pillow in it.


Please feel free to email if you have any questions